Digitally assisted information gathering before the consultation session

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Outpatient care for patients with statutory health insurance is usually provided outside normal practice opening hours in the on-call practices of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV). In contrast to treatment by general practitioners, doctors and patients are usually not known to each other. It is therefore mainly a matter of initial contacts with patients who usually require acute treatment. For the physicians, the challenge is to obtain the necessary information for differential diagnostic considerations and therapy planning in the short consultation time, to examine the patients and at the same time to establish an appreciative doctor-patient relationship, to outline treatment recommendations in an understandable way and to document the consultation.

Laufzeit: 01.08.2020–31.07.2023

Project goals

Development and use of a digitally assisted information acquisition system before the consultation hour

Study design and methodology

In the DASI project, we want to develop and implement an intervention in an agile process that allows patients to provide important information before treatment. For this purpose, patients will be asked about their current complaints or the reason for the consultation, as well as about the course of their illness to date, their medical history and their expectations of the consultation. This data is available to the doctors in advance, so that the limited consultation time can be better used for the patients' concerns. Furthermore, this procedure is intended to make more precise anamneses, well-founded diagnoses and therapy decisions possible and to relieve the physicians of the documentation work. The system should enable patients to "prepare" for the consultation in a targeted manner.


Nach der Entwicklung und Anpassung wird die Intervention zunächst in einer Pilotstudie getestet. Anschließend folgt der Einsatz der Intervention im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie in Bereitschaftsdienstpraxen. Zu Projektende soll ein offenes Datenformat für die Kodierung von Anamnesedaten veröffentlicht werden.
Bisher genutzte Patient*innenfragebögen waren nur mit Zusatzaufwand auszuwerten und in bestehende Dokumentationssysteme einzupflegen. Mit den DASI-System erfolgt eine Bereitstellung der digital erhobenen Informationen in die vorhandene Praxissoftware.

Participating institutions

Study registration


Project funding

The project is funded by the Innovation Committee of the Joint Federal Committee for open-topic funding of health services research in accordance with §92Sa Para. 2 Sentence 1 SGB V: Research projects for the further development of care in the statutory health insurance system.

Project duration





Dr. Eva Maria Noack

Dr. Eva Maria Noack

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Prof. Dr. Eva Hummers

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