Ongoing projects
Institut für Allgemeinmedizin
Clinical trials
- CoCo Immunstudie – COVID-19 Contact Immunstudy
- DEFEAT CORONA – Innovation Network DEFEnse Against Covid-19 Study – Looking forward
- REGATTA − Less antibiotics for urinary tract infections through treatment with Uva ursi?
- SCREEN-AF − Screening for early detection of atrial fibrillation in primary care patients
- Ergo LoCo - Occupational Therapy Intervention for Long COVID Sufferers
Educational research
- UNITE – Learning and studying together in public health facilities in the Göttingen health region
- medPJ+ – Medical internship year in a family practice in southern Lower Saxony
Interprofessional care research
- Interprof Home – Development and testing of an interprofessional person-centered care concept
- KARDIO – Left heart catheterization for chest pain and CHD
- KOPAL – Cooperation for palliative quality of life in chronic disease
- OPTINOFA – Optimization of emergency care through structured initial assessment by means of intelligent assistance services
- Interprof ACT – Strategies to promote physician-nurse collaboration in nursing homes.
Focus on patients
- BEVOR – Plan patient-relevant effects of treatment in advance
- Medizin und die Zeitstruktur des guten Lebens
e-Health & Mobile Health
- DASI – Digitally assisted information gathering before the consultation session
- Digital multilingual and legally compliant vaccination education
- DICTUM Rescue Braunschweig – Digital communication aids for non-German speaking patients in emergency services
- DICTUM Rescue Königslutter – Digital communication aids for non-German speaking patients in emergency services
- RADARplus – Anonymized routine data from ambulatory care for health services research